
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dear Democrats. Fucking do something!

"The majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility, but so far it's acting like a teenager with a new credit card."
President Bush, on vetoing a spending measure for labor and health programs.

Dear Democrats,
Please stop acting like uninformed fools that are afraid to disagree passionately with the stuttering born again monkey currently in the White House. Either the Republicans have photographs of every Democrat in bed with a goat, or Democrats are being condescending if they think an intelligent argument will not be understood by the people who put them in office. Oh and by the way, you were not put into Congress to watch over the bottom line. You were elected for one reason; stop the Iraq war.
I know the president is out of touch, but if you do not understand this, you too will be replaced.
You don't have to fall to the White Houses level of public discourse, but if one of you will not get off your ass and reply intelligently and compassionately why everything in this latest quote is wrong, I swear to God my head is going to pop off!
Here's what you do.
Take this down to your nearest Kinko's and have it blown up on a giant poster board.
Call a press conference on the gates just outside the White House.
Hold that sentence up for all to see and then break it down.
Look, I will even write the speech for you.

"Mr. President. You vetoed a program for uninsured children in America and called that fiscally responsible. At the same time you ask us for 30 Billion dollars more to keep a war going that was started with a lie, grossly mismanaged and seems designed to never end.
A majority of Iraqi citizens do not want us there.
A majority of Americans do not want us there.
It was that majority that elected us to congress. The majority of Americans that want us to stop this war of choice.
You are the first president in history to not raise taxes during war to pay for it.
You are also the first president in history to give a tax cut during war time.
The wealthiest 1% of Americans now pays less taxes under your administration and the middle class pays more! That is why we want to extend coverage to the millions of uninsured kids whose parents both work and still cannot afford basic health care.
Today we learned this war will cost America one trillion dollars.
For a war where Osama hides in a country you call an ally.
For a war started under false pretenses and fear.
For a war that seems designed to make your friends rich.
Mr. President, to call a majority of Americans fiscally irresponsible for wanting to take care of their kids when you ask for more money that this country will have to borrow is insane.
That is the only fair word to use in response to your words today; insane.
Every dollar that is used to fund this war is borrowed from another country. Not only has 7 years of war made us less safe in the future, but it has made the value of the once mighty American dollar weak.
You sir, are the one using the countries credit card to fund a failed strategy at the expense of our children's health.
Let no one take these words and twist there meaning. No one wants a terrorist attack in this country again. Of the trillion dollars spent on your war against terrorism, only 2% has gone for security upgrades recommended by Homeland Security.
Even less than that has been set aside to help with the veterans of this war. In fact, last year you cut the budget for veterans programs.
I do not know about you, but I believe a majority of Americans wants to continue to support our troops when they return home, not with hollow words, but with real help and real services. What do we tell a 22 year old man who lost a limb in service of his country? It is not fiscally responsible for us to pay for your surgeries?
Either continue to make war on an enemy that can never hold ground in this country or set up bases, or deprive our people of the most basic things promised to us in the constitution; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Thank You.


Anonymous said...

I heard $1.4 trillion

joe klocek said...

That .4 in the trillion description somehow makes it seem smaller than it really is.
We could give a lot of kids health care for that point four!
You know?

Anonymous said...

About 194,511,722.